Choose Life

How to Talk
about Pro-Life

Help Women
Choose Life
Deliver Hope on a Stork Bus

Abortions are INCREASING in North Carolina.
Are You Prepared to Talk About Pro-life Solutions?

Save the Storks’ Ebook is a Helpful Guide.

The Overturning of Roe v Wade has INCREASED Abortions in North Carolina

North Carolina allows abortion, while surrounding states support life or limit abortion. There are organizations which pay the travel expenses for woman to have “tourist” abortion out of their state. Therefore, abortions will increase in states that allow abortion, and even more so if they are neighboring states that support life.

Save the Storks Is Saving Babies and Helping Moms

Our state-of-the-art Mobile Medical Clinics, called Stork Buses, provide pregnancy tests, ultrasounds, and STI/STD testing, all at no cost. Mobile Medical Clinics bridge the gap between pregnancy centers and women so they can access quality healthcare across the country. Owned and operated by local pregnancy centers, they deliver holistic care to their communities and are strategically located near abortion clinics – offering real options and comprehensive support.

Ashley Batcher, the lead actor in Unplanned, champions Save the Storks and all we do for women, babies, and families.
Take a glimpse into Ashley’s story in this video.

Our Mission

As a decade old national ministry, our mission is to
create a story of hope and empowerment for every
woman facing an unplanned pregnancy.
We do this by partnering with medical pregnancy
resource centers and providing them with high
quality Mobile Medical Clinics and consulting in marketing,
leadership, fundraising, and more.

Learn How To Talk About The Good
Works of the Pro-Life Movement