Emily’s Story – Giving Tuesday

A Glimpse of the Miraculous

Emily couldn’t see any way around aborting her baby. She was in a no-win situation. 

Her fiancé, Robert, was adamantly opposed to having children. 

Having grown up in a harsh household with an overworked mother and an incarcerated father, Robert didn’t know how to be a dad… and he was afraid to learn.

An abortion seemed like Emily’s only option.

But, she felt terrified to abort her baby.

Just a couple of years earlier, she’d watched her own mom go through an abortion—and nearly die from blood loss and complications.

Still, Emily couldn’t see another way out.

She felt terrified
to abort her baby.

So, she and Robert scheduled the procedure out of state. They’d have to drive more than six hours and cross two state lines to get there.

In need of an ultrasound for official confirmation of pregnancy and an estimated gestational age, they went to their local pregnancy clinic, a partner of Save the Storks.

They felt nervous and uncertain. But, the moment they saw their tiny miracle wriggling on the ultrasound screen, they broke into proud smiles. 

Hearing the baby’s heartbeat, Robert whispered, “I hear it, that’s our baby!”

Neither spoke much during the remainder of their appointment. But seeing their baby in the hushed, sacred silence of the exam room, they clasped hands and smiled. Would they still go through with an abortion?

“I hear it,
that’s our baby!”

Two weeks later, Emily and Robert came back for another scan, eager to see their baby again. They gazed at the ultrasound screen, clearly falling in love with the miracle growing in Emily’s womb.

Then they shared that they had canceled their abortion appointment. They were excited to welcome their baby into the world.

Plus, with access to the pregnancy clinic’s free parenting classes, professional counseling, and other resources, they’d be equipped and supported to move forward as a family.

On the way out, Robert paused at the reception window. He wanted to show off the ultrasound images of his child. 

“Look at my baby,” the proud father said, full of emotion. “This wouldn’t be happening if it wasn’t for you all. Thank you!”

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