
Give the gift of real choice

REAL choice empowers every woman to be a mom. It gives her access to the practical support she needs to become the type of mom — whether through raising her child, choosing adoption, or fostering — she most aspires to be.

It doesn’t force her to choose between motherhood and career, or college, or long-held dreams. Because until a woman feels fully supported to embrace becoming a mom, only then will she have REAL choice.

Create Equal Access to MotherhoodSM

video box on blue bubble bg, link to play motherhood video

Your tax-deductible gift will help reach the goal of bringing world-class care–free of charge–to mothers-to-be with the least access.

Your donation helps:

  • Launch new Mobile Medical Clinics
  • Support local pregnancy clinics near you
  • Provide mom-empowering services and ultrasounds – for free!
  • Extend Christ’s love through whole-life care and counsel
  • And more…

In a critical moment of decision

Imagine a woman facing an unintended pregnancy, searching for a solution to what feels like an impossible situation. 

Will you help her find the support and care she needs to embrace the life she carries and experience one of the greatest gifts God has for her?

Why Save the Storks?

3 out of 4 abortion-vulnerable women who visit a Save the Storks partner or board a Mobile Medical Clinic choose to carry their baby to term.1

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Mobile Medical Clinics

reach women where they’re at with free ultrasounds and life-affirming services.

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National Partner Program

elevates pregnancy centers to medical status with best-in-class care.

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Local Organizations & Churches

become equipped to connect women with the support they need.

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Digital Platform

offers life-affirming resources that empower women with real choice. Learn more at

Help her overcome a lifetime of barriers

We want Equal Access to MotherhoodSM for all women, including those with the least access. It brings vital support — whether medical, material, emotional or spiritual — directly to women with the least access to care.

It offers the highest standard of care for every woman, showing her honor and dignity regardless of choice.

Equal Access to MotherhoodSM is not a lofty aspiration. It is our daily work — and always will be: to meet women where they are, support their needs, and serve them well so that every woman has REAL choice. Together, we can provide all women with Equal Access to MotherhoodSM.

3 moms, 3 decisive moments

A Glimpse of the Miraculous

With her fiancé opposed to having kids, Emily felt like she had no way out.

Terrified, she scheduled an abortion. 

But, then they got to see and hear the miracle awaiting them.

Read Emily’s Story
When the Odds Are Stacked Against You

Veronica was afraid to have a baby… but terrified of going through with her scheduled abortion. 

But, then she stumbled upon a mobile medical clinic operated by a Storks partner.

Read Veronica’s Story
At 24 Weeks, a Bad Dream Becomes a Blessing

With kids grown into teenagers, Heather looked forward to lighter childcare demands on her time… 

Until an unintended pregnancy launched her into what felt like a bad dream.

Read Heather’s Story

Because no woman should feel like abortion is her only option

Help bring life-saving care to a woman in her own neighborhood.

Together we can empower more abortion-minded mothers with tangible, practical, whole-life support, giving them real choice through Equal Access to MotherhoodSM


1 – This number is based on 47.79% of our partners reporting. Most of these partners who reported in 2023 see around 54% of patients who are abortion vulnerable (an all-time high).