Best Pro-Life Organizations to Donate to

Author: Save the Storks
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There are many pro-life charities, but knowing which pro-life organizations to donate to can be difficult. Which pro-life ministry is putting your donation to the best use and making a significant impact in supporting women who choose life? Here is a list of the top pro-life nonprofit organizations to donate to.

Save the Storks

best pro-life organizations

At Save the Storks we pride ourselves in being one of the best pro-life organizations with integrity.

Save the Storks, founded in 2012, is set apart from other pro-life charities. Why? Because we not only build the state-of-the-art mobile medical units, called Stork Buses, that have saved and served over 30,000 lives (as of Dec. 2022), we equip, support, and consult Pregnancy Resource Centers as well as churches and community organizations with relevant curriculum, branding, and digital strategies to increase their impact and reach. Also, Save the Storks has a dedicated program that is helping centers become Women’s Health Clinics, providing real choice to women in unplanned pregnancies.

In fact, over the last decade, we have donated approximately $8M in direct financial support to other organizations. It is important to note that we also provide more programs and impactful services to specific pro-life efforts than any other pro-life organization in the United States.

Charity Navigator Rating: 4 STARS (100%)

Embrace Grace

Embrace Grace is a pro-life ministry that partners with churches to help inspire and equip them to support women experiencing unexpected pregnancies.

Human Coalition

best pro-life organizations

The Human Coalition is a pro-life organization that is on a mission to remove abortion from America.

ProLife Across America

best pro-life organizations

ProLife Across America is a nonprofit pro-life organization that is committed to informing and providing support for women in unplanned pregnancies and post-abortion care.

Charity Navigator Rating: 4 STARS (97%)

Focus on the Family

Focus on the Family’s Open Ultrasound Program provides ultrasound machines and training to pregnancy resource centers across America.

Live Action

Live Action is a human rights nonprofit dedicated to protecting the rights of the unborn and changing people’s minds about abortion.

Charity Navigator Rating: 3 STARS (82%)

Stand for Life

Stand for Life is a Christian pro-life organization that inspires women to choose life based on a hollistic view of life rooted in the truth that we are all made in God’s image.

The Life of a Single Mom

The Life of a Single Mom is a pro-life charity that works to ensure that no single mom has to do life alone.

Charity Navigator Rating: 4 STARS (100%)

National Right to Life Educational Foundation Inc.

National Right to Life was established in 1968 and educates Americans on how they can take action and vote to protect the rights of unborn human lives.

Charity Navigator Rating: 3 STARS (85%)

March For Life

March for Life is a pro-life organization and a movement based in Washington D.C. which includes an annual march to stand for the rights of the unborn.

Charity Navigator Rating: 3 STARS (80%)

Students for Life

best pro-life organizations

Students for Life is a pro-life organization that mobilizes college students to share the truth of the pro-life mission and create a “pro-life generation”.

Charity Navigator Rating: 3 STARS (88%)

*The Charity Navigator rates charities on a scale of 1 to 4 stars based on their assessment of the success of the charity in four different arenas. These “beacons” as referred to on their website are:
Impact & Results
Accountability & Finance
Leadership & Adaptability
Culture & Community

Save the Storks is entering our second decade of life-saving work through our mobile medical units (Stork Buses). We are 100% donor supported as a nonprofit, pro-life ministry.

As you and your family discuss how to best steward what God has entrusted to you, please consider these 10 questions before you invest in a pro-life ministry:
  • What areas does the pro-life ministry focus on for impact?
  • How does the pro-life ministry communicate with teens and young women as a trusted resource when facing an unplanned pregnancy?
  • What is the reach and engagement of the pro-life ministry’s social media platforms? (This is where 95% of young women go first when facing an unplanned pregnancy.)
  • What tools and services does the pro-life ministry provide for the baby AND the mother?
  • Is the pro-life ministry providing updated, relevant education and medical expertise related to the development of the baby to pregnancy centers, churches, and the general public?
  • Does the pro-life ministry provide tools and resources to reach young men and the church, key influencers in the young woman’s decision to choose life or to abort?
  • What programs (i.e. mobile medical units, a Partner Program for pregnancy centers, For Every Woman collective enterprise) has the pro-life ministry updated in the past 12 months?
  • What percentage of donor dollars go towards serving women facing an unplanned pregnancy?
  • How often does the pro-life ministry provide training and support to pregnancy centers and churches?
  • Have you checked the pro-life organization’s most recent 990 and ratings?

Are there Pro-Life Organizations near me?

Since Save the Storks partners with Pregnancy Resource Centers across the United States, we’ve made it easy to find a pro-life organization or PRC near you. At Save the Storks location finder you can search for the nearest Pregnancy Resource Center that is partnering with our nonprofit charity.

When you consider the best pro-life organization to donate to, we hope you’ll invest in Save the Storks. Additionally, when you donate to Save the Storks, you help a woman hear her child’s heartbeat for the first time. Our studies show that 4 out of 5 women who step onto our mobile medical unit choose life for their babies.


By partnering with one of the best pro-life organizations you can have confidence that you are saving lives and supporting women who face unplanned pregnancies.


We hope this article enlightened and inspired you to stand up for life.

Despite the overturning of Roe v. Wade, abortions are still prevalent in our nation. As a response to the overturning, the media: from the news to entertainment sources to even political figures and celebrities, have pushed abortion as an ongoing agenda, shaping the way this generation thinks and acts. Misinformation is being spread every day, and people are sadly believing the lies.

Our articles and stories aim to tell one thing: the truth.

We know that it is both a blessing and a challenge to understand the reality of abortion, because knowledge incites belief, and belief incites action. But we’re in this together. We believe that we can make abortion unthinkable.

With your support, we look forward to a future where young women are empowered to fight for their own rights: a right to bring life into the world, to be fearless leaders, to be examples of hope, strength, and undeterred resilience. We look forward to a future where life can happen.

If this article strengthened your belief to reach women everywhere with the truth and to let life happen, then please consider helping us extend our reach by making a gift right now. Your gift of just $10 or $20 helps our mission to create a story of hope and empowerment for every woman facing an unplanned pregnancy.

We aim to create a culture that views “pro-life” as equivalent to having empathy and compassion, providing holistic care (before and beyond pregnancy) and education, and most importantly, choosing to speak and act in love. We are pro-life, pro-love, pro-woman, pro-solution.

Don’t just be part of the movement, be part of the solution, and give today.