Save the Storks
Reviews and Ratings

“When I saw his little heartbeat, I remember laying there just crying, and at that point, thinking I can’t do this, I cannot have an abortion.”

“The work that Save the Storks does on a daily basis is truly transformative and life-saving… Their meaningful partnerships have empowered many women to choose life for their babies. When a woman boards a Stork Bus, she is cared for with compassion and love… Save the Storks is unique in their mission, and they truly approach the pro-life mission with excellence and kindness in all they do.”
David Fonseca

“In a world that’s so easy to be known for what you’re against, Save the Storks has given us a better way. We can be known for what we’re for, not what we’re against! We can proclaim the solution and offer real support to abortion-vulnerable women who need to know that they’re not alone.”
Pastor Marcus Mecum