Church Partnership
Church Partnership
Abortion and the Church

women were attending a Christian church at least once a month when they had their first abortion.

of church goers who have had an abortion say that no one at church knows about it.
But YOU can rise up and be a voice for the vulnerable.
We’re here to help you do it!

A First Aid Course for Pro-Life Ministry
This course is the START of pro-life ministry in your church! This FREE 2½ hour video course will equip your church to reach and serve a woman in an unplanned pregnancy and empower her to choose life.
Our church is very appreciative for the free online training we have received from Save The Storks.
In the middle of that training process we had a mother wanting to abort her baby. We were able to implement some of training to help this mother.
With much love and prayer she decided to keep her baby.
-Tiffany E., Associate Pastor

Stork Mother’s Advocate

A Stork Mother’s Advocate acts as a mentor, meeting one-on-one with women in need. They gently guide with life-affirming resources, biblical direction, and connection.
Download PDFs (Church Brochure, Community Brochure, Leaders Guide, Program Snapshot, and Training Manual)

Where Do We Begin?
Reimagining a Pro-Life Church
Our 30-day devotional, Reimagining Pro-Life, helps the church approach the issue of abortion not with judgment or politics, but with compassion and holistic care for women and their unborn children. It offers opportunities to engage those hurt by abortion with the hope and healing of the Gospel.

The Matter of Life
Host a showing at your church
A powerful documentary on the history of abortion in the US, and the pro-life community’s response. If you would like to host a showing of The Matter of Life, please complete the interest form below.

Become a Church Ignitor for Save the Storks
Any move of God depends on people in local churches who are passionate about serving and making a difference. Without these dedicated “ignitors”, nothing would be accomplished! If you want to become a Storks Ignitor in your local congregation and be a leader for the cause of Life, fill out the interest form below and select “becoming a Church Ignitor”
Interest Form
I’d like to learn more about how my church community can reach more women.