Mobile Medical Clinic Deliveries for 2023

Author: Save the Storks
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The Mobile Medical Clinic is a revolutionary unit and Save the Storks’ mission provider since 2012. This state-of-the-art MMC provides women with free pregnancy tests, ultrasounds, STI testing, and unbridled support from a licensed medical professional. We’ve started 2023 Mobile Medical Clinic deliveries strong with an additional Mobile Medical Clinic for Bridge Women’s Center in Old Bridge, New Jersey delivered on February 18!

MMC #90 – Joshua

Mobile Medical Clinic: Joshua

The Mobile Medical Clinic is named “Joshua” after the warrior from the Bible. Since New Jersey is a sanctuary state for an abortion, the center knows this bus will be a warrior in the fight for life.

Mobile Medical Clinics: Hannah and Joshua

Bridge Women’s Center in New Jersey has TWO life-saving mobile medical clinics at their location. The second Mobile Medical Clinic is named “Hannah” after the prayer warrior from the Bible.

An astounding 40 people showed up to be trained on a Mobile Medical Clinic!

With two Mobile Medical Clinics, one a symbol of prayer, the other a symbol of a warrior, the Bridge Women’s Center is fully equipped to save lives.

MMC #91 – ZJ

Mobile Medical Clinic: ZJ

MMC #91 was delivered in April of this year to Caring Families Pregnancy Services located in Willimantic, Connecticut. The Mobile Medical Clinic is named “ZJ” in honor of a pro-life teenager who lost his life in an accident. This MMC was gifted to the women’s clinic by Save the Storks and is the second to be launched at the Caring Families Pregnancy Services.

MMC #92 – Esther

Mobile Medical Clinic: Esther

The new Mobile Medical Clinic was delivered to Creative Church in Maple Grove, Minnesota in April of this year. The MMC is named “Esther,” inspired by Esther 4:14 in the Bible.

MMC #93 – New Life Counseling in Lake Charles LA

The New Life Mobile Medical Clinic

The New Life Medical Services center in Lake Charles, Louisiana received Mobile Medical Clinic #93 on April 19th this year. The clinics dedication to educate, empower and equip women will expand with the edition of the new Mobile Medical Clinic.

MMC #94 – Orange County Rescue Mission

The first For Every Woman Mobile Medical Clinic.

The first For Every Woman Mobile Medical Clinic was delivered on May 11 to the Orange County Rescue Mission in Orange County, California! This Mobile Medical Clinic is designed to reflect For Every Woman, our social platform created to make education and empowerment accessible to every woman who faces unplanned pregnancy.

MMC #95 – Alliance Family Services

The Alliance Family Services Mobile Medical Clinic is located in Kenosha, Wisconsin. As Wisconsin’s first Mobile Medical Clinic, this bus is a pioneer for reaching women facing unplanned pregnancies.

MMC #96 – Next Step Resources

The newest Mobile Medical Clinic was delivered to Next Step Resources in Dunlap, TN. This is our fourth Mobile Medical Clinic to launch in Tennessee.

MMC #97 – Wildwood Calvary Chapel

The Wildwood Calvary Chapel Mobile Medical Clinic was delivered to Yucaipa, CA. The church named this MMC “Grace” because of their value for God’s grace as Christians.

Wildwood Calvary Chapel wants to be an extension of that grace through their new Stork Mobile Medical Clinic.

MMC #98 – Pregnancy Resources at Cornerstone

The Pregnancy Resources at Cornerstone Mobile Medical Clinic is in Gap, Pennsylvania. The “Brenda Marie” bus is directly linked to our “Ruby Marie” bus in Greensboro, NC. Brenda Marie is Ruby Marie’s granddaughter. Read our story of how Ruby Marie heroically chose life in a highly challenging circumstance, which led to the Peck Family. Bryan Peck is now the Patriarch of that family and wants to honor Ruby Marie and Brenda with this second bus named after the powerful women in his family.

MMC #99 – Gate Pregnancy Resource Center

Mobile Medical Clinic #99 has been delivered to Gate Pregnancy Resource Center in Harrisburg, NC. This Mobile Medical Clinic is named “El Roi,” which means the God who Sees ME! We love that this Mobile Clinic will travel to women and remind them that God sees them and their babies.

“El Roi” is one of our two-room Stork Mobile Clinics, premiering a brand-new layout. This 34ft clinic has a full-size exam room, a bathroom, a nurses’ station, and a counseling room.

We can’t wait for the rest of our 2023 Mobile Medical Clinic deliveries!


We hope this article enlightened and inspired you to stand up for life.

Despite the overturning of Roe v. Wade, abortions are still prevalent in our nation. As a response to the overturning, the media: from the news to entertainment sources to even political figures and celebrities, have pushed abortion as an ongoing agenda, shaping the way this generation thinks and acts. Misinformation is being spread every day, and people are sadly believing the lies.

Our articles and stories aim to tell one thing: the truth.

We know that it is both a blessing and a challenge to understand the reality of abortion, because knowledge incites belief, and belief incites action. But we’re in this together. We believe that we can make abortion unthinkable.

With your support, we look forward to a future where young women are empowered to fight for their own rights: a right to bring life into the world, to be fearless leaders, to be examples of hope, strength, and undeterred resilience. We look forward to a future where life can happen.

If this article strengthened your belief to reach women everywhere with the truth and to let life happen, then please consider helping us extend our reach by making a gift right now. Your gift of just $10 or $20 helps our mission to create a story of hope and empowerment for every woman facing an unplanned pregnancy.

We aim to create a culture that views “pro-life” as equivalent to having empathy and compassion, providing holistic care (before and beyond pregnancy) and education, and most importantly, choosing to speak and act in love. We are pro-life, pro-love, pro-woman, pro-solution.

Don’t just be part of the movement, be part of the solution, and give today.