As pro-life citizens, we’ve fought to overturn Roe for over 50 years. We’ve set up pregnancy resource centers, invested in ultrasound machines, counseled, prayed, witnessed, marched – and finally, all the things we’ve done for 50 years working towards an end to Roe happened. One could hardly believe it when on June 24, 2022, Roe was overturned! We knew there would be blowback from Planned Parenthood and its pro-abortion forces. It is an understatement to say that in the last nine months post-Roe, a forces-of-hell tsunami has been unleashed in every corner of the United States.
The Backlash Continues…
Prior to Roe’s overturn, the culture war was “tit for tat” as long as abortion was rolling along in America and pro-life outreaches “had their place.” Each had their turf – each knew their “side of the street.” But No More! Post-Roe, a full-scale war is ON, and the pro-life ministries are in hand-to-hand combat for their lives! Let’s just consider the number of recent clinic bombings or pro-life ministers being raided and hauled off by the FBI under the guise of “law” with families screaming and traumatized. Do we hear the media or the federal government condemn these actions? Not a peep.

More recently, during Biden’s State of the Union address last month, we see that the pro-choice side hasn’t given up their fight. The President emphasized his support of women’s reproductive healthcare, as he calls it. Biden even went as far as threatening the possibility of a national ban stating, “Make no mistake: If Congress passes a national ban, I will veto it.” Since Biden won’t mince words, neither should we. We still intend to fight against killing innocent babies, even after our victory in the overturning of Roe V. Wade. Unfortunately, some pro-lifers don’t realize that the battle is far from over.
The Battle for Life
On the battlefront, we’re seeing donations on the downtrend because many in the church think “all is well” now that Roe has been overturned! This couldn’t be further from the truth! We need people stepping up to the plate to join and support our women-specific ministries – literally with one arm around a woman and a sword in the other hand, battling the forces of darkness in Planned Parenthood! I hope you’ll think of this visual as you think of Save the Storks.
At Save the Storks, we are taking steps forward post-Roe to continue our fight for the lives of unborn and abortion-vulnerable women. We know the abortion industry is backed by billionaires looking to exploit young women for financial gain. This is why we created our online resource, For Every Woman. For Every Woman helps reach women in the early stages of their decision-making. Our website provides them with meaningful programs and resources to help them before the pro-choice side pressures them to abort.

We aren’t stopping there. By the middle of this year, we will have 100 of our state-of-the-art mobile medical buses across the United States, providing care and love to women who NEED to know we are in their corner, even amongst the noise of the pro-choice side.
Our Work isn’t Over
Together, the post-Roe pro-life movement is united in saving lives. Thanks to Stand for Life, pro-life ministries nationwide met in January to collaborate on whole-life perspective solutions for women facing unplanned pregnancy. We all convened as an ever-growing mission to connect and support each other’s outreach for the year and beyond. Save the Storks is one of the most unifying pro-life ministries in the United States. We’ve donated over two million dollars in grants to Pregnancy Resource Centers across the United States. We partner with over 119 pro-life ministries to provide support and training at NO extra cost.

If the pro-life mission is a battle, the church should be in the trenches with abortion-vulnerable women, reminding them that they are never alone. We believe the church has a massive role to fill, and we are passionate about equipping them to be more proactive in participating in pro-life solutions.
As a former legislator in Colorado, I’ve spent many an hour fighting bad legislation on the House floor. And I’m here to tell you it is much better to be in the majority than the minority! Most Americans disagree with late-term abortion and certainly not after birth – yet here we are. Or voting NO on a referendum to give a struggling baby out of the womb – care, and life! The wrath of vengeance against the pro-life community for the overturn of Roe isn’t letting up any time soon. This is why we need you in this crucial hour.
Any support given is one more arm around a woman in need. One more arm shielding her while we reach her with counseling and medical care. Will you be that arm around a woman? Our post-Roe work is not over, and we can’t do it without you!

Amy Stephens is the former House Majority Leader in the Colorado legislature and works with Save the Stork's new outreach For Every Woman as a public affairs strategist.