In September 2012, Save the Storks began with the vision of a country where women could be empowered to make educated choices with the help of our Mobile Medical Clinic.
Twelve years later, our 100th mobile medical clinic is finally here!

We are so excited, grateful, and in awe of what the Lord has done in the last twelve years with every mobile medical clinic put on the road to support and empower women.
What our mobile medical clinics do
Our mobile medical clinics are a form of divine deliverance, sent to give women the support and freedom they need to choose life for their babies. Our dream is for all women to have equal access to motherhood.
We are going above and beyond to reach every city, every county, and every mom.
The mobile medical clinic just finished a cross-country journey from Colorado Springs to East Tennessee. Along the way, this bus made stops in St. Louis, Nashville, and Sevierville. During this victory lap, Save the Storks provided families with in-kind donations, including EveryLife diapers, essential supplies, holiday gifts, and gift cards.
Colorado Springs

Our 100th Mobile Medical Clinic began its journey at our home base in Colorado Springs. It arrived the week of our annual all-staff meeting, so our staff had the honor of praying over this new life-saving clinic and wishing it well on its journey.

Before our 100th bus began its journey, we celebrated with a special Christmas Concert at Road Church in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Rion Page and Matt Hammitt performed beautiful Christmas songs to commemorate the gift of life and hope in the form of our newest mobile medical clinic.

First Stop: St. Louis
The first stop our 100th bus made in its journey was in St. Louis, Missouri. Here, our team stopped to visit bus #41 at Mosaic Clinic. Just 15 minutes outside of St. Louis, Missouri, stands the largest Planned Parenthood in the Midwest, where bus #41 is often stationed. Our team, including our CFO, Annie Humphrey, had the privilege of meeting women whose lives were changed by this mobile medical clinic when they chose life for their baby.
When our team saw bus #41 and bus #100 side by side, they were filled with joy! It’s so humbling to see how far we have come and how each of our 100 buses has the power to change women’s lives forever.

Second Stop: Nashville
Our journey continued to Nashville, Tennessee where we stopped at the Capitol and had the opportunity to speak with Policy Director to Governor Bill Lee, Michael Hendrix, on how our 100th Mobile Medical Clinic will impact communities in Tennessee.
It was refreshing to hear that they are hard at work building a robust support program to not only be a pro-life state, but to provide for life, helping mothers and families, through grants and organizations like ours. Tennessee’s vision for life is very much in line with Save the Storks as we both desire to create a story of hope for every woman, and we were honored to receive their blessing!

We then made our way to Hope Clinic to bless a mom named Juanita who faced an unplanned pregnancy and without insurance, struggled to find care providers. Fortunately, her path led her to Hope Clinic in Nashville where she received comprehensive medical care and a compassionate community ready to walk alongside her.
Along with $500 gift cards for this holiday season, we blessed her with EveryLife diapers and wipes!

Finally, we made it to our last stop in Sevierville where the staff of Pregnancy Resource Center Maryville hosted a “Stuff the Bus” event in partnership with Chick-fil-A. Community members came out to celebrate the arrival of the 100th Stork Bus, and to stuff the bus with donations of diapers and baby items for the center!
On December 11, there will be a dedication for the bus as well as training for the staff at the Maryville location.

Our 100th mobile medical clinic will serve communities all around East Tennessee, extending services from two of Pregnancy Resource Center’s locations: Sevierville and Maryville, to reach more women and families with resources and support! We could not be more excited for them and all God is going to do through their new unit!
Our word for 2024: Faith!
Our vision began with a catchy name and a single bus. It was a small beginning, and some wondered how much we could grow in ten years. The same is true for babies. Before you see an ultrasound, it can sometimes be hard to believe something so small can have a heartbeat. But we know that when we nurture, care for, and value small things, no matter their size, they eventually grow into something (or someone) POWERFUL! It’s God’s will that we should trust Him and allow life to happen according to His perfect plan.
Although we began small, with just one mobile medical clinic, our FAITH pushed us forward. Without FAITH, we might’ve lost hope years ago for Roe v. Wade to be overturned, but then the impossible happened! We believe in more impossible things happening with the help of our Mobile Medical Clinics, like abortion being unthinkable. With 100 mobile medical clinics on the road, we are closer to bringing this vision to life. Because of you, we are looking ahead with FAITH to God’s bigger picture for our ministry. Perhaps that is putting 1000 mobile medical clinics across America!