Are you planning to attend the 2024 March for Life?
When we join with our compassion and love for mothers, families, and their unborn babies, we can show the world that we still stand for equal access to motherhood for every woman. This is not just a rally; the march is a beautiful celebration of life that helps define the pro-life movement!
Here are our tips for the 2024 March for Life:

Dress for the Weather
The 2024 March for Life lands on Wednesday, January 17, 2024. Winter in Washington, D.C. is no joke, so pack coats, gloves, hats, and scarves for the cold.
Check road closures!
Depending on whether you stay in a hotel within walking distance or further away, it’s important to check for road closures during March for Life. This way, you can map out the best place to Uber when showing up on the morning of the march. March for Life recommends using public transportation.
Bring Signs that Inspire Life!
Share your Story! We love signs from women who’ve adopted, survived abortion, or chosen life when circumstances and society might not have supported them in their decision.
Check out some of our favorite signs from past marches and get inspiration for March for Life 2024.
Language and Symbols to Avoid
One of the most essential pieces of our mission is to use language that speaks LIFE rather than death. Although we acknowledge the reality of abortion, we always want to take the most compassionate approach toward abortion-vulnerable women and those who have experienced the trauma of abortion. Choose compassionate language and avoid terms that may be offensive or stigmatizing. Refer to our guidelines on pro-life language dos and don’ts. For example, say “abortion clinic” instead of “abortuary” and avoid terms like “murder” or “killing.”
Stay away from shaming language.
Let the March for Life be a celebration of life. Our mission is rooted in love, recognizing that fear often leads women to choose abortion. Let’s be a source of hope for abortion-vulnerable women, acknowledging their pain and demonstrating love rather than judgment.
Thank the volunteers, nurses, and advocates who work in PRCs.
Take a moment to thank volunteers, nurses, and advocates working in Pregnancy Resource Centers (PRCs) who are crucial in supporting women.
Meet new people!
The life-affirming community is broader and more diverse than you can imagine! Enjoy getting to know the people from across the country supporting women in unplanned pregnancies. Get connected and see if there’s an organization you want to partner with to support women.
Connecting with other ministries allows you to find new resources for the pro-life movement to educate yourself and share with friends like the new book Abortion Survivors Break Their Silence featured on Focus on the Family. This book is filled with true stories from abortion survivors that present a compassionate lens on why women feel pressured to abort in today’s society. For a limited time, the book will be on sale in honor of Sanctity of Human Life Month!
Can’t attend the 2024 March for Life but still want to get involved?
Donate to Save the Storks or become a monthly partner and help us provide essential healthcare to women with the least access.