Join Us At The March For Life 2020
We believe that everyone, including the pre-born, deserves a chance at life. We are pro-life, pro-woman, pro-man, pro-baby, pro-family.
This is why we march.
The March for Life began in 1973 as a peaceful gathering following the Supreme Court’s decision to make abortion legal in the United States after hearing the Roe vs. Wade case. Today, the March for Life’s mission is to “End abortion by uniting, educating, and mobilizing pro-life people in the public square.”
Save the Storks supports this peaceful mission by supporting PRCs that serve moms and their babies, and with awareness programs that share facts, unbiased research findings and true stories about what it means to be pro-life. In 2019 Save the Storks sent staff and volunteers to walk with the estimated 250,000 marchers in Washington, D.C. in the largest pro-life event in the world.