Abortion Pill Risks Every Woman Should Know

The abortion industry is rapidly switching to chemical abortion, also known as the abortion pill. While many women might think this is a safer, more convenient method than a surgical procedure, there are still significant abortion pill risks that aren’t often considered. Telemedicine is quickly growing (70% of doctors provided videoconferencing in 2020 compared to […]

With “The Matter Of Life,” Tracy Robinson Opens Up Pro-Life Conversation For All

What is the difference between being personally pro-life and actively pro-life? Sometimes a friend inviting you to a life-changing presentation. That’s what happened to Tracy Robinson, director and producer of the new documentary film The Matter of Life. Robinson, a Christian, knew she’d never have an abortion herself. She never wanted to enforce her belief […]

Pregnancy Resources: How to Help Expecting Women

Imagine it’s two days before Christmas Eve. You’re 21 years old, homeless, and pregnant. You don’t know what to do now. You don’t know where to turn, who to turn to, or where to go. As a young expecting mother, you can’t find the pregnancy resources you need to survive, like shelter or care. By […]