and it’s not a mistake that you’re reading this right now.


When I found out that I was going to be a dad, I didn’t feel ready. I was young, and still trying to find my own place in the world. However, those feelings didn’t change my reality. There was a tiny heart beating with my name on it. I was going to be a dad, and choosing to accept her into my heart and life was one of the greatest decisions I would ever make.
It’s normal to feel anxious about what this means for your future, but being a dad is one of the greatest things you’ll ever experience. Fatherhood is amazing, but it’s also challenging, so you’re going to need help along the way.
Here’s something important to remember:
Kids don’t need perfection, they just need you.
If being perfect is what it took to be a dad, then there wouldn’t be any dads! Facing your imperfections is a courageous first step toward becoming the dad you’re meant to be. One of the most valuable gifts you can give yourself and those you care about is to admit, “I don’t have it all together, but I’m willing to change and grow with you.”
Would you consider taking ten minutes per day, for seven days, to begin this journey with me? I’ve made this book short and to the point, so that it wouldn’t take a lot of your time. However, I believe these seven simple conversations can make a big difference in your life right now. By the time you’re done, my hope is that you’ll dare to be a dad. And not just any dad, but the great dad that you are destined to be.
Welcome to dadhood.
You belong here.
-Matt Hammitt, Dad of four