EOY 2021



Donate To Save The Storks


35% raised

$1,500,000 GOAL

Help us Reach our Goal

35% raised

$1,500,000 GOAL

Help us Reach our Goal

Invest in Women, Save Babies

Every day over 2,300 lives are lost to abortion. Your support helps us reach the hearts of women who feel they have no choice other than abortion, and to provide her with life-giving options. 80% of women who see their baby through an ultrasound, choose life. Together, we can reach the hearts of women and save babies. Take action now.

Empowering Women & Saving Lives

Save the Storks brings the power of the pregnancy center to the women who need it most. We exist to ensure that these clinics have the stability, support and strategy they need to expand their services to save babies
and equip women to choose life.

On the Road for Life

To date, we have delivered over 60 Mobile Medical Clinis, known as Stork Buses, across the United States. These life-saving buses bring the power of the ultrasound directly to women. In fact, 80 percent of abortion-vulnerable women who see their ultrasound choose life! With your help we can build more Mobile Medical Clinics to help bridge the gap between pregnancy centers and women so they can access quality healthcare and compassionate support.

Help Us Reach Our Goal of


to support women and save babies.


35% raised

$1,500,000 GOAL

THIS Giving Tuesday INVEST IN Women

Help Us Reach Our Goal of


35% raised

$1,500,000 GOAL

to support women and save babies.

Empowering Women
& Saving Lives

Save the Storks brings the power of the pregnancy center to the women who need it most. We exist to ensure that these clinics have the stability, support and strategy they need to expand their services to save babies
and equip women to choose life.

On the Road
for Life

To date, we have delivered over 60 Mobile Medical Clinics, known as Stork Buses, across the United States. These life-saving buses bring the power of the ultrasound directly to women. In fact, 80 percent of abortion-vulnerable women who see their ultrasound choose life! With your help we can build more Mobile Medical Clinics to help bridge the gap between pregnancy centers and women so they can access quality healthcare and compassionate support.