Planned Parenthood “indoctrination” targets high schools in California

Pro-Life group Save the Storks offers alternatives to the nation’s largest abortion provider in California
Colorado Springs, CO – Planned Parenthood just announced a new model for their health clinics in Los Angeles County. They plan to open 50 new centers in high schools in Los Angeles.
Save the Storks Spokesperson Victoria Robinson made the following statement in light of the news:
“Planned Parenthood is deliberately targeting young people with their messaging aimed at convincing this generation abortion is a good option. This is blatant indoctrination and another marketing ploy to hide the fact they are the nation’s largest abortion provider.”
Save the Storks partners with pregnancy resource centers in California, like Horizon Pregnancy Center, who offer free healthcare services for women and pregnancy counseling, without referring for abortion.
Earlier this year, California became the first state in the nation to pass a law requiring public universities and colleges to offer the abortion pill on campus.
Read more of Storks’ coverage on it here
About Save the Storks
Save the Storks’ mission is to revolutionize the meaning of pro-life. This organization partners with pregnancy resource centers across the United States to provide them with resources and empower women to choose life. Save the Storks has captured the imagination of millions with their innovative fleet of Mercedes-Benz Mobile Medical Clinics, known as the Stork Bus.