Pro-life Ministry Save the Storks Delivers 49th and 50th Buses

This month, pro-life ministry Save the Storks delivered its 49th and 50th Mobile Medical Clinics (MMC) to pregnancy resource centers in Georgia and New Jersey.
Colorado Springs, CA (October 3, 2019) – These MMCs, also known as Stork Buses, are state-of-the-art Mercedes-Benz Sprinter vans. The vans are equipped with an exam table, counseling area, TV screens and space for ultrasound and sonogram equipment. They allow pregnancy resource centers to take their life-saving services on the road.
The 49th bus, named Benjamin, arrived in Georgia on Sept. 11. The bus is owned and operated by the Fayette Pregnancy Resource Center in Fayetteville, GA.
“We decided to go mobile because we were looking for a way to reach more women in our community,” said Luci Hough, executive director of Fayette Pregnancy Resource Center. “We want to go out into the community where women most need our help.”
This bus was named in memory of Jim and Ashley Murray’s son, Benjamin, who they lost last year shortly after he was born.
“This bus reminds us of the value, importance and significance of celebrating life,” said Jim Murray. “That’s what the team at Save the Storks has provided for our family.”
Bus number 50, the Hannah Bus, has its own unique story. It arrived at the Bridge Women’s Center in Old Bridge, NJ on Oct 1.

The person who donated the bus chose to have it named after Hannah from 1 Samuel in the Bible. In the Old Testament story, Hannah cried out to God for a child, and God answered her prayer.
Bridge Women’s Center’s Executive Director Debbie Biskey said, “Going mobile is the most effective strategy to reach women with unplanned pregnancies. 4 out of 5 women who board a mobile pregnancy center choose life for their baby when given an opportunity to hear their baby’s heartbeat and see their baby on an ultrasound.”
The Hannah Bus is the result of a partnership between the women’s center and a local church, Calvary Old Bridge. This is Save the Storks’ first church partnership.
Lloyd Pulley, Senior Pastor of Calvary Old Bridge, said, “Our church saw a need to get resources to women who need it most. We couldn’t sit still as we saw what was happening with abortion in this country.”
Currently, seven Stork Buses / MMCs are in production and set for delivery over the next year. Seven more pregnancy resource centers are working with us to fundraise for a bus.
Save the Storks will host pro-life supporters at the Third Annual Stork Charity Ball in
Washington, DC on Jan. 23, 2020, the night before the March for Life. Tickets are available at
Save the Storks’ mission is to revolutionize the meaning of pro-life by partnering with pregnancy resource centers across the United States to empower women with choice during pregnancy. Save the Storks, known for their custom state-of-the-art Mercedes-Benz Sprinter Mobile Medical Clinic, also called the Stork Bus, is helping to change hearts and minds with compelling social media and awareness campaigns, unique events and support to PRCs who provide outreach programs to mothers and fathers facing an unplanned pregnancy. To date, Save the Storks has built 50 Stork Buses / MMCs. Four out of five women who board a Mobile Medical Clinic choose life, with an estimated 7,000 babies’ lives saved as 2019 comes to a close..