Delivery Day: Notes from the Road

The story of a west coast Stork Bus   By Brittany Smith  On Tustin Street in Orange, Calif., sits a two-story Planned Parenthood. The brick structure is just a few miles from Interstate 5, what locals call “The 5,” or “the Orange Crush” — one of Southern California’s busiest highways. I know this location because I drove by it multiple […]

A Conversation with Save the Storks’ CEO

Why She’s Passionately Pro-Life and Pro-Woman  By Katie Doryland Diane Ferraro recently stepped into the role as the first female CEO at Save the Storks. She has been part of the team since 2018. Diane is a life-long pro-life advocate, largely because of her own story. She was adopted as a baby after her mother chose life for […]

What Exactly is a Pregnancy Center? 

3 Healthcare Services Pregnancy Centers Provide   By Brittany Smith What is a pregnancy center? Is it the same as a pregnancy resource center? Are they health clinics? What do they do?  We’re glad you asked.   Pregnancy resource centers, also known as PRCs, or pregnancy centers, exist to provide options and material aid to women facing unplanned pregnancies. The mission of […]

5 Ways To Support a Friend Facing an Unplanned Pregnancy 

Unexpected doesn’t have to mean unprepared   By Brittany Smith According to the Guttmacher Institute, almost half of all U.S. pregnancies are unplanned.   Which means many women, maybe even someone you know, are wrestling with an overwhelming number of questions and emotions after they receive a positive pregnancy test.   But there are ways you can help. Especially for friends who might be feeling the pressure […]

Pressured to Abort

In it together: How parenting classes prevent partner pressure By Brittany Smith  When Yolanda’s boyfriend found out she was pregnant, he left. She was living in Carson City, NV at the time and had no family nearby to rely on. Feeling abandoned and completely at a loss for what to do, Yolanda began researching options […]

What Does Pro Life Really Mean? 

Clearing up Criticism and Misconceptions Surrounding the Pro Life Meaning   By Katie Doryland  Pro-life supporters and pregnancy resource centers often get a bad rap in the news and in the culture at large. They are accused of being pro-baby but not pro-woman or wanting to withhold rights from women. These accusations stem from a failure to […]

Pro-Life Isn’t Just About Politics

Want to make a real difference in the pro-life movement? Get involved with your local pregnancy resource center By Brittany Smith  According to the pro-choice research group the Guttmacher Institute, the number one reason women choose abortion is financial. In fact, in its study Reasons U.S. Women Have Abortions, 73 percent chose abortion because they […]

Fake Claims About Pregnancy Resource Centers

PRCs save communities thousands of dollars every year with medical resources By Brittany Smith  Critics of pregnancy resource centers (PRCs) often claim they are fake clinics designed to mislead women. While it might make for an easy soundbite, these accusations are false.  In fact, PRCs offer a wealth of vital support to women and most […]

What Is a Maternity Home?

How maternity homes are changing  the narrative of the pro-life movement  By Brittany Smith  When Tammy showed up at The Pregnancy Center in Sanford, Fla. she already knew she was pregnant. Her foster father, Tom, was with her for support but he was worried about future housing for Tammy and her baby.  “My boyfriend’s family […]

Is Beyoncé Pro-Life? Celebrities Speak Out About Miscarriage

Beyoncé and other celebrities break the stigma of miscarriage By Katie Doryland  One in four women experiences a miscarriage each year. For women over the age of 40, the percentage goes up even more — to nearly 50 percent.  The physical and psychological effects can last for months or even years after it happens. According […]

The March for Life is Over…Now What? 

Top 5 Ways to Get Involved in the Pro-life Movement  By Brittany Smith An estimated 100,000 people participated in the 47th annual March for Life last week. Such numbers prove that pro-life support is alive and well across the nation.  But once all the signs are put away, and everyone leaves D.C., what happens next? […]

Pregnancy Resource Centers offer reliable healthcare options

What Planned Parenthood doesn’t want you to know about local, life-saving support for women By Brittany Smith The United States is home to more than 3,500 pregnancy resource centers (PRC). These local, nonprofit organizations provide a variety of services, like ultrasounds and free pregnancy tests, for women facing an unplanned pregnancy. Critics of PRCs often […]