Unplanned is the story of Abby Johnson’s experience as a leader with
Planned Parenthood – the pain, the lies and the abuse she saw, took part in and suffered from.
And Abby’s escape into a new life as the truth set her free.
“Unplanned is a ground-breaking movie that EVERYONE 12 years and older should see. It tells the truth – in a loving, unbiased manner – about what goes on at abortion clinics in the United States. Families, youth groups and women’s bible study groups need to purchase, watch and discuss this movie. The sooner the church starts openly talking about abortions and helps women (and men) facing unplanned pregnancies, and supports them with love and compassion so they want to carry their babies full-term, the sooner we will make abortions unthinkable.”
-Paul Isaacs, President, Save The Storks