Save the Storks Hosts 2nd Annual Pro-Life Innovators Summit

Author: Save the Storks
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Save the Storks is hosting its 2nd annual Pro-Life Innovators Summit April 1-3, 2022 in downtown Colorado Springs, Colo.  

During this 3-day conference, participants have the chance to develop their pro-life ministry plan, pitch it to a panel and make it a reality. With hands-on training, expert advice from other pro-life ministry leaders and a host of networking opportunities, this conference helps the pro-life leaders of tomorrow make their dreams a reality.  

What to Expect

Pro-Life Innovators Summit attendees can expect to receive two days of training featuring pro-life apologetics, industry best practices on developing a strategy, crafting your business plan, and marketing. 

On the third day of the conference, participants will present their ministry idea and plan to a panel of experts for feedback. The panel will give valuable insight into the plan’s execution. As well as improvements that can be made, and a path forward after the conference.  

Meet Last Year’s Winners

The winner of last year’s $25,000 grant is Tracy Robinson of San Diego, Calif. She is the director and producer of The Matter of Life documentary. Robinson created the film to be used as an educational tool for churches. She is also working toward creating a storytelling nonprofit that will produce new and relevant pro-life content every year.   

“The Matter of Life is honored to receive this $25,000 prize from Save the Storks,” Robinson said. “The funds will go toward our next film project in order to reach more hearts and minds to save unborn lives.”   

Watch The Matter of Life Here: 

The second grant of $10,000 was awarded to Beverly Jacobson, founder of Verity’s Village. Verity’s Village was inspired by Jacobson’s ninth baby, Verity, who was diagnosed with Trisomy 18 in the womb. Verity’s Village provides support, education, and care packages to families who receive a life-limiting diagnosis for their baby.   

“I can’t fully express my joy and gratitude for this generous gift,” Jacobson said. “It represents so much to me–first and foremost, validation that God truly is calling us at this time to step forward in faith to establish Verity’s Village in an official capacity. The need in this community is so great. Not only the direct funding but also having access to Save the Storks’ resources and expertise means Verity’s Village will be able to help more people sooner rather than later.” 

Apply Now

Do you have a pro-life ministry or non-profit you’ve been dreaming about starting? Save the Storks’ Pro-Life Innovators Summit can help you turn your non-profit idea into a reality.   

Apply now by visiting 


We hope this article enlightened and inspired you to stand up for life.

Despite the overturning of Roe v. Wade, abortions are still prevalent in our nation. As a response to the overturning, the media: from the news to entertainment sources to even political figures and celebrities, have pushed abortion as an ongoing agenda, shaping the way this generation thinks and acts. Misinformation is being spread every day, and people are sadly believing the lies.

Our articles and stories aim to tell one thing: the truth.

We know that it is both a blessing and a challenge to understand the reality of abortion, because knowledge incites belief, and belief incites action. But we’re in this together. We believe that we can make abortion unthinkable.

With your support, we look forward to a future where young women are empowered to fight for their own rights: a right to bring life into the world, to be fearless leaders, to be examples of hope, strength, and undeterred resilience. We look forward to a future where life can happen.

If this article strengthened your belief to reach women everywhere with the truth and to let life happen, then please consider helping us extend our reach by making a gift right now. Your gift of just $10 or $20 helps our mission to create a story of hope and empowerment for every woman facing an unplanned pregnancy.

We aim to create a culture that views “pro-life” as equivalent to having empathy and compassion, providing holistic care (before and beyond pregnancy) and education, and most importantly, choosing to speak and act in love. We are pro-life, pro-love, pro-woman, pro-solution.

Don’t just be part of the movement, be part of the solution, and give today.