May is officially MOM’S MONTH! At Save the Storks, we are celebrating every kind of mom and showing them our appreciation all of May. Get to know our moms on staff and be encouraged by what they have to say this Mom’s Month!
Annie, COO
I consider it such a privilege to work for an organization that is pro-mom. Witnessing women from all walks of life being empowered to step into motherhood confidently is such an honor. I am most proud of being a mom to two kids: Jarod (23) and Sydney (15).

What I love about being a mom is seeing God’s masterpiece unfold everyday. Everyday, there is something special in the making, even if it is a day that may be more hectic than desired.
Working at Save the Storks has really allowed me to celebrate motherhood in a way that is bigger than just being a mother myself. I am proud of a team that is working hard to empower moms to choose life, so that these moms can embrace the privilege of motherhood and embark on a rewarding journey where God’s masterpiece unfolds.
My encouragement for you this Mom’s Month is to cherish all the messy and less than glorious days. These are the days characters are built. The days our love shows up bigger than ever, and God’s grace wraps our pain. These are also the days we are reminded why God picked us to be mommies for these precious babies.
Sheila, Event Manager
My name is Sheila and I’m a mom of two very spirited girls, Olive (4) and Elyn (2). I’ve been working with Save the Storks almost 3 years as an Event Project Manager and currently Event Manager.

What I love about being a mom is the unconditional trust and love my little ones have for me and I have for them. Even through hard times (like discipline!) at any sign of sadness, injury and sickness they are cuddled up in my arms. We may have a tough day but at the end of every day the hugs and “I love yous” are invaluable.
Working at Save the Storks has really allowed me to celebrate motherhood. Moms are just amazing in our abilities to multi-task and feel deep connections to our children we carried. Moms are extraordinary, and the heart of Save the Storks is to see every mother thrive, which allows for babies and families to be stronger.
My encouragement for you this Mom’s Month is that we see you and you are not alone. The joys and struggles of motherhood bind us all together. Be open with people around you about all the lows and triumphs you are facing as a mom. Stay strong mamas! You are priceless to the young eyes looking up to you ❤️
Alyssa, Program Coordinator
My name is Alyssa, and I’m a mom to 2 beautiful girls, Adalyn (5 yrs old) and Makenna (6 months old). I’ve been working with Save the Storks since 2019. I currently serve as the Program Coordinator for the National Partner Program.

My favorite thing about being a mom is feeling like I have a purpose. As a mom I feel like I have found my true calling in life!
Working at Save the Storks has really allowed me to celebrate motherhood. I remember how scared I was when I became a mom for the first time. It is not something that any woman experiences without some level of fear or doubt. But that doesn’t mean that any women should have to process those fears without support and love. Working in my program at Save the Storks, I get to help bolster up the amazing work that Pregnancy Resource Centers do for the women in their communities. I am passionate about supporting the PRCs to be the absolute best they can be, so they in turn can provide the absolute best care and support for all those mothers needing their services.
My encouragement for you this Mom’s Month is: I know it is hard mama. It is hard to get up every day and have these little people rely on you. It is hard to feel like no matter what you do, you are not enough, or not the “super mom” that social media wants us to believe that we must strive to achieve. But you are enough; you are the entire world to your children! Their home, their comfort, and their safe place. You are everything to them, even on those impossible days. You are so special, especially to your little people.
Michelle, Brand Specialist and Graphic Designer
I’m a first-time mom to Mateo, who is 4 months old. I’ve been with Save the Storks for 2.5 years asa Brand Specialist and Graphic Designer working directly with our Pregnancy Resource Center partners helping them improve their branding so that they can reach more abortion-minded women who are facing a pregnancy decision.

What I love about being a mom is the perspective my son gives me throughout the day. He is bright eyed, smiley, and portrays the goodness and greatness of the Lord. Each moment has the opportunity to be a magical moment when an innocent child is in your arms. Some of those magical moments may include spit up and blowouts but they are magical all the same!
Save the Storks has been one of the biggest blessings in my motherhood journey. Not only was Mateo celebrated by leadership through prayer and baby showers, but my role was adjusted so that I could prioritize my family and still have a career. Because my role can be done from anywhere, I work from home with Mateo on my lap. He will grow up watching his mama make a difference in the world, and empower other women to help them see their potential as mothers. He will grow up and meet other kids in his class who’s mothers made a choice for life.
My encouragement for you this Mom’s Month is IT MATTERS. The dirty diaper you changed, the soccer jersey you washed, the dinner you made.. all of it matters. Remember to laugh with your kids, remember to be silly with them. And remember that all of the work you do as a mother is Kingdom Work and can change our culture into a culture that values and celebrates motherhood.
Katie, Email Marketing Specialist
My name is Katie, and I’m a mom of 2 little girls, Audrey and Alexandria. I’ve been working with Save the Storks for 6 years as an Email Marketing Specialist.

My favorite thing about being a mom is watching my girls grow, learn, and explore their world. Everything is new to them and watching their eyes light up in amazement as they see something new brings my heart so much joy.
Working at Save the Storks has really allowed me to celebrate motherhood personally, and for others as well. I have been so blessed to grow in my career and learn new skills, all while being a full-time mom as well. I also love that I can show my daughters that it’s possible to live life and grow in a career while being a mom. My work at Storks has so much value and means so much and love to explain to my daughter what I do and what that means for other moms.
My encouragement for you this Mom’s Month is that you are enough. I can’t say that this is something that I have fully captured on my own, because being a mom is hard. But I am constantly reminding myself that my best is enough for my girls. God chose me to be their mom for a reason, and it’s because He knows that I am enough.
Courtney, Operations and HR Specialist
My name is Courtney, and I’m a mom of a beautiful 3-month-old baby girl Ellis and a joy-filled 5-year-old boy named Asher. I’ve been working with Save the Storks since July of 2019 and have cycled through a few different positions, my current one being Operations and HR Specialist for the organization.

What I love about being a mom is the unconditional love between my children and me. To look in their eyes and see our bond is something I will cherish always, and I look forward to the years as they grow up and we can become even closer as they discover who they are in Christ.
Working at Save the Storks has really allowed me to celebrate motherhood. When a woman becomes a mother, a whole other world opens that she didn’t know existed before. I have experienced different versions of this world having been on both ends of the spectrum, staying home with my son for a period and now juggling a full-time job while parenting. I have a wonderfully supportive husband and workplace, which I know is not a privilege everyone has.
My encouragement for you this Mom’s Month is to look at the women in your life who are mother’s and ask if they need help. Being a parent is a sacrifice day in and day out. Some studies say it is the equivalent to two full-time jobs! People are notoriously bad at asking for help, but there may be a mom close to you who could really use an hour or two to herself. Let’s show our appreciation to the moms in our life by asking how we can support them where they are right now.
Wendy, Executive Assistant
My name is Wendy Stice, and I’m a mom of two boys, Riley and Logan, who are now adults. I’ve been working with Save the Storks since February 2022.

What I love about being a mom is watching these little people that you poured yourself into, becoming adults and figuring things out. It’s not always easy to watch them make mistakes, but it is rewarding to have them come to you for advice and seeing their Christian walk and where it takes them.
Working at Save the Storks has really allowed me to celebrate motherhood. I have always had a heart for moms and children and have always taken on the role to help new moms when they are feeling overwhelmed. Working at Save the Storks, utilizes my skills while being able to show my heart.
My encouragement for you this Mom’s Month is enjoy the stage where you are with your kids. The time really does fly, and this too shall pass, but you can never get that time back. Take the time to enjoy your family no matter what stage you are in.
Jessica, Community Relationship Manager
My name is Jessica and I’m a mom of 2, Charlee and Luca! I’ve worked at Save the Storks for 5 years and am currently the Community Relationship Manager.

What I love about being a mom is that I get to run wildly through the sprinklers, act like silly dinosaurs, play doctor and dress up at the same time, sing along to Blippi at the top of my lungs while stopped at a traffic light, decorate the sidewalk in colorful chalk, have random dance parties to the most absurd songs, act like monkey’s at the dinner table while eating bananas. All of this because of the two fun-loving goofy children in my life. Motherhood has made life more chaotic and colorful than I ever knew it could be and has allowed me to experience an overwhelming love that so effortlessly overflows for my children.
Working at Save the Storks has allowed me to celebrate motherhood and has given me an opportunity to be part of helping women making a parenting decision see the potential she has to be a mom and a mother.
My encouragement for you this Mom’s Month is embrace and celebrate the calling of motherhood that God has given you. He chose you specially and be grateful that He did! Being a mother has it’s challenges but life is a little sweeter when you get to share in the joy’s of raising the next generation.
Julz, Communications and PR Specialist
I am a first-time mom to Harper who is one year old. I have been working with Save the Storks for four months writing copy for all our marketing materials and ensuring that our messaging is always consistent and on brand.

What I love about being a mom is not just watching my daughter grow, but myself grow as a person. If there’s one thing motherhood teaches you, it’s patience and understanding. When I gave birth to Harper, I discovered an almost feral kind of love, I guess you’d call it unconditional, but it’s the kind of love where I know I’d do absolutely anything for her. There is no other feeling like it.
The #MyBabyMyCareer campaign made me want to be part of Save the Storks. It is an amazing organization that walks the talk. Our leadership makes everyone feel valued and important, we are given so much flexibility, and are empowered every day as working moms to flourish in our career as well as motherhood.
My encouragement for you this Mom’s Month is to know you’re a rockstar. There is no other mom like you and you are exactly what your kid/s needs. There will be times when you feel like you’re not enough or you want to give up. Please know there’s any army of moms just like you, in the same boat, cheering you on. I am one of them.
Shara, Partner Program Director
Hi, My name is Shara, I am a bio and adoptive mom of 7 children. David (20), Aine (16), Carson (14), Avelyn (10), Gia (8), Séaine (1), and Sidney (4 weeks). I have been working with Save the Storks for 6 years since 2016.

Having been a mom for over 20 years, I love watching my children grow into unique individuals who make incredible contributions to the world around them.
Every day at Save the Storks is a celebration of motherhood. Through Storks I have continued to follow my calling to help women be incredible moms. Providing enrichment and innovation to pregnancy resource centers as the Director of the National Partner Program gives moms the tools they need to be successful mothers and fulfilled individuals. Storks has also contributed to and supported my family as we welcomed our adopted daughter in 2018 and two more biological children in 2020 and 2022.
My encouragement for you this month is “You have everything you need within you to be successful!”
Jessica, Social Media Coordinator
My name is Jessica, and I’m a mom of Everly and Gannon. I’ve been working with Save the Storks since September 2021.

What I love about being a mom is watching my kids grow and explore the world. I love watching them develope their own personalities. My favorite thing about being a mom is having the blessing of experiencing complete and unconditional love and ultimate trust. They look up to me for everything and I get to see so much of myself in them. They give me a purpose in life so much bigger than myself.
Working at Save the Storks has really allowed me to celebrate motherhood. I have been able to connect and sympathize with every aspect of motherhood. Getting to work and help moms in unplanned pregnancies while taking care of my own children and being there for them when they need me has been such a privilege. I get to help create a new support system for mothers who are struggling with the hardest decisions of their life. Being a mother myself has given me the ability to relate with other moms on a deeper level. I can wholeheartedly say from experience, that my children have made me a better person, and have made my life an even bigger blessing.
My encouragement for you this Mom’s Month is to give yourself grace, because to your children, you are the best person in the world. Appreciate them, hold them, love them, and cherish even the smallest moments. I thank God for mine every day.
Celebrate Mom’s Month with us by sharing this post and telling your mom how much you love her! If you’re a mom, WE LOVE YOU!
May is Mom’s Month!