Stories of Life
Storiesof Life
Documenting Hope
The Women’s Medical Clinic and Mobile Medical Clinic movement in the United States is a quiet, but powerful force. One that is giving hope, healing, and help to women every single day, all across our country. Be inspired by this incredible and empowering work.
Stories of Impact
Empowered women empower others. The women we serve are strong and inspiring and brave. They are a beacon of hope and a touchstone for creating a culture of life. That’s why we tell their stories.
Pregnancy & A Congenital Heart Defect: Emily’s Story
February is Heart Month—a time dedicated to raising awareness about the challenges those living with a congenital heart defect (CHD) face. For Emily, her heart condition wasn’t just a statistic. It was a life-threatening reality that led her to believe abortion was her only option. Emily’s Story When Emily walked into Adria Women’s Health, staff…
Continue Reading Pregnancy & A Congenital Heart Defect: Emily’s Story
Abortion Is A Matter of the Heart
By Charlotte Pence Bond In our current intense political climate, it’s easy to place abortion in the world of politics and leave it there. Political “wins” and “losses” can often be the most discussed areas of the pro-life cause. While it’s important to focus on the political side of abortion and be informed about state…
Best Pro-Life 2025 Super Bowl Commercials
Every year, millions of Americans gather around their television to watch the Super Bowl game, but what many look forward to most is the excellent commercials that premier during the ad breaks. More than one Super Bowl ad pulled at our heartstrings this year and promoted life-affirming values. Here are some of our favorite pro-life…

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Equality Act would jeopardize pro-life pregnancy centers, Save the Storks CEO warns
If the Equality Act becomes law, it will jeopardize the freedoms of pregnancy resource centers and hinder other pro-life protections, warns Save the Storks’ CEO Diane Ferraro.
Pro-Life Research

Save the Storks commissioned a study
to investigate American’s attitudes and opinions on abortion.
Key findings include:

of Americans believe that life begins at or before the heartbeat1

of pro-choice respondents stated abortion would not be an option for their own unplanned pregnancy2

of Evangelicals
identify as