It’s the holiday season—a time when many of us cozy up with a cup of hot cocoa and lose ourselves in the charm of a Hallmark movie. But what is it about Christmas that stirs such sentimentality in us? Perhaps it’s the story of Jesus’ birth: a humble beginning that changed the world forever. His redemptive power continues to touch lives, transforming countless stories of women who visited our mobile medical clinics (MMCs) this year.
Choosing just five was no easy task, but here are our top five heartwarming stories from our mobile medical clinics in 2024:
Story #1 — Maria was pregnant and alone in a new country… until she found our Mobile Medical Clinic!
New to the U.S., Maria faced an unplanned pregnancy with no job, a language barrier, and overwhelming uncertainty. When she stepped into the Mobile Medical Clinic, a compassionate team used translators, care, and the power of an ultrasound to go the extra mile for her. Watching her baby’s heartbeat, Maria found the strength to choose life.

Perhaps the best part of this story is that Maria’s due date was just before Christmas, so we all get to enjoy the most adorable Christmas-themed photos of her baby—Natalie!
Read the full story and see more photos here: Maria’s Story
Story #2 – Hope in unexpected places!

Michelle’s life had been a series of challenges—an abortion, a miscarriage, and a premature birth at 30 weeks. She was facing yet another tough decision, suspecting she may be pregnant again, when she noticed an MMC parked in a Lowe’s parking lot in Junction, TX. With less than a high-school education, a low-paying job, and the weight of her past, Michelle felt like abortion might be her only option.
Despite her struggles, Michelle found support through our MMC team, showing her that no circumstance is without hope. Divine appointments like these certainly get us in the holiday spirit!
Read her full story here: Michelle’s Story
Story #3 The baby’s father wouldn’t support her, but we did.
Maddie, a young woman around 20 years old, approached the MMC with a heavy heart. Maddie was single, an immigrant, and a first-time mother in her third trimester. She had arrived in the U.S. only a week earlier.
Although she knew she was pregnant and in her third trimester, she hadn’t received any medical care since the move. On top of this, she had no support from the father of her baby. Maddie approached the MMC with the one person supporting her pregnancy: her godmother. Without health insurance and limited support, Maddie worried about having her baby. She turned to our MMC, looking for hope. On board our MMC, Maddie was given more than just compassionate care; she was reminded she wasn’t alone. Isn’t this what we all need to hear around this time of year?
Read how Maddie found the courage to choose life: Maddie’s Story
Story #4 – Pregnant in college, Sarah found the courage to choose life!
Sarah was a college freshman and just 18 years old when she began her second semester. Her world revolved around classes, late-night study sessions, and new friendships. But all that changed when she took a pregnancy test on a cold January morning, and the result was positive. Overwhelmed with shock, she didn’t know what to do next. She was terrified to tell her family. Sarah was convinced that abortion was her only escape from what seemed like an impossible situation.
Until she found an MMC and found hope!

In the ultrasound room, she saw her beautiful baby already kicking and moving their arms. “There’s a little person inside me!” Sarah said, smiling and looking up at the nurse. “Yes!” the nurse replied. “And look at them—they’re having the time of their lives!” The baby gave a big kick and punch as if they agreed with the nurse. After this encounter, Sarah had the courage to tell her parents about her pregnancy…
Read the full story: Sarah’s Journey
Story #5 – A Christmas surprise for an expecting mother!

This holiday season, Save the Storks teamed up with 7 Hills Church and Hills Women’s Health to bring a little Christmas magic to a mom who had recently visited an MMC.
With gifts from her Christmas list, including a crib, mattress, spa package, and gift card, Save the Storks’ CEO, Diane Ferraro, and our partners made sure this mom knew she wasn’t alone.
“We wanted to surprise her with an early Christmas,” said Ferraro.
Read the full story here: A Christmas Suprise
Give the Gift of Life This Christmas
As we reflect on these powerful stories, we are reminded that none of this would be possible without our partners, volunteers on the mobile medical clinics, and supporters like you.
Your generosity helps keep our MMCs on the road, providing women with real support and the opportunity to choose life. This Christmas, will you join us in continuing this life-changing work?
Help us reach our year-end goal of $550,000 to support more women in 2025.