3 Ways the Church Can Respond To Roe

CHURCH – this is your time to shine! The issue of abortion is not going to go away if Roe v. Wade is overturned.  There will still be a great need for you to stand for life by caring for women in unplanned pregnancies.  “Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the […]

Seven Popular Questions from Abortion Advocates

Is Abortion Women’s Healthcare? Words matter, now more than ever. The definition of healthcare is: “efforts made to maintain or restore physical, mental, or emotional well-being especially by trained and licensed professionals.” The abortion industry claims that they are necessary for women’s health, but they make billions of dollars off of a woman’s “choice,” often without […]

Top 10 Pro Life Resources for Sanctity of Life Sunday 2022

January 16th is National Sanctity of Life Sunday!   It may feel as though conversations about pro life vs pro choice are hard to navigate because it is so politicized and polarizing. But at Save the Storks, we define pro life not as a political issue but a personal one which we are all gifted with the responsibility of caring for and protecting.  We’re offering some resources for you to approach the topic of life and choice with a compassionate, non-political tone to […]