Save the Storks Launches Newest Mobile Medical Unit  

State-of-the-art Stork Bus “Paloma” set to save lives in southern California  Life Centers of Ventura County (LCVC) is a pregnancy resource center (PRC) located in Oxnard, Calif. Just 60 miles outside of L.A. — a city with over 20 Planned Parenthood locations.  California is not a state that has been particularly kind toward pro-life efforts, with its governor openly criticizing pro-life initiatives over the years.   But LCVC has […]

Save the Storks Announces Diane P. Ferraro as New Chief Executive Officer

First female CEO at Colorado nonprofit wants pro-life to truly mean pro-woman  Colorado Springs, CO – Save the Storks is excited to announce it has named Diane P. Ferraro the new Chief Executive Officer of the organization.   Diane has been a key member of the executive and leadership teams at Save the Storks since 2018. Before joining Save the Storks, Diane served in various critical roles at large corporations, including overseeing marketing and communication efforts at a national […]

Post-Abortive Journeys

How pregnancy centers help women find post-abortive healing   When Erin* walked into Women’s Choice Clinic in Bettendorf, IA this December, she was experiencing daily panic attacks.   She had also just discovered she was pregnant. The staff at the clinic could tell she was stressed and downcast and not sure what to do about her recent pregnancy news.   Jane**, the client advocate at Women’s Choice, sat […]

The Church, Pro-Life and Abortion 

How do we create a more pro-life church culture?  By Katie Doryland  When it comes to the issue of abortion, one would expect the church to have the loudest pro-life voice. Unfortunately, too many churches feel that pro-life discussions will produce a negative response from their congregation.   With such a strong biblical view on the sanctity of life, what is holding pastors back […]

Genetically Engineered Kids: The Future of Prenatal Testing

 Is this the last generation of children with Down syndrome in Denmark and does it have implications for the United States?   By Brittany Smith  On Friday, after a five-month legal battle, a federal appeals court upheld Tennessee’s “heartbeat law.”  The ruling means, among other things, that babies with Down syndrome will be saved from abortion.  Gov. Bill Lee signed the “heartbeat law” in June which bans abortions after a fetal […]

Why is Adoption Not Seen As An Option?  

Finding a forever family: How the pro-life movement can help change the cultural narrative of adoption   By Brittany Smith  When it comes to unplanned pregnancy, the most common choices for U.S. women are abortion or parenting.     But there is a third option, one that is often left out of the conversation when discussing reproductive rights – adoption. In fact, less than 4 percent of unplanned […]

Giving Tuesday 2020: Lifesaving Work Deserves Our Help

Save the Storks Raising Funds for 15 Pregnancy Centers  This Dec. 1, Save the Storks will join thousands of non-profits around the nation for Giving Tuesday. The goal is to fundraise for 15 pregnancy resource center (PRC) affiliates with immediate needs.   These centers will receive 100 percent of funding from Giving Tuesday donations.   Pregnancy Resource Centers (PRCs) are at […]

Colorado in the Crosshairs

Fetal Pain Studies Highlights Need to End Late-Term Abortion    This November, Coloradans will vote on late-term abortion. Proposition 115 appears on the state’s ballot and if approved, will ban abortions after 22-weeks except in cases where the mother’s life is in danger.   Colorado is one of only seven states that allows third trimester abortions.   The group Due Date Too Late, started by […]

What Does Pro Life Really Mean? 

Clearing up Criticism and Misconceptions Surrounding the Pro Life Meaning   By Katie Doryland  Pro-life supporters and pregnancy resource centers often get a bad rap in the news and in the culture at large. They are accused of being pro-baby but not pro-woman or wanting to withhold rights from women. These accusations stem from a failure to […]

One Image Can Change Everything

Why the lowly ultrasound deserves high praise from the pro-life movement   In the days leading up to her abortion appointment, Gabi started to have doubts.  For weeks she was sure she wanted an abortion.  “But then I just kept thinking, I can’t imagine going to sleep, waking up and knowing my boy wasn’t going to […]

Pro-Life Isn’t Just About Politics

Want to make a real difference in the pro-life movement? Get involved with your local pregnancy resource center By Brittany Smith  According to the pro-choice research group the Guttmacher Institute, the number one reason women choose abortion is financial. In fact, in its study Reasons U.S. Women Have Abortions, 73 percent chose abortion because they […]

Unpregnant: Classic American Road Trip — With An Abortion

Latest HBO Max Film is Pure Pro-Choice Propaganda  By Brittany Smith  Want to make abortion seem normal? Make a fun, road trip comedy about it. This is the premise of one of HBO Max’s first films, Unpregnant. The film dropped Sept. 10 and features two Missouri high schoolers on a road trip to Albuquerque, N.M., […]